< a name="x_x__Hlk142293740">< /a>< span data-olk-copy-source="MessageBody">Understanding Your Newborn< /span>< /u>< /b>
InJoy’s Understanding< /i> Your Newborn provides comprehensive, evidence-based education about baby care in the first six weeks and beyond, helping you deliver consistent information at every touchpoint. Featuring modern, high-quality footage of newborns and real-life stories from first-time parents, this curriculum allows you to teach in a clear and relatable way and deliver the latest guidelines from the American Academy of Pediatrics and other trusted organizations, along with the importance of baby cues, early brain growth, and bonding.
This complete curriculum standardizes newborn care education with consistent content in a variety of teaching formats. Available in DVD, Book + Web App (book and web app also available on their own), PowerPoint Program, and eClass.
· Newborn traits: < /b>Skin-to-skin contact, newborn procedures, newborn appearance, reflexes, newborn senses, play & development.
· Newborn behaviors: < /b>States of alertness and how to interact, newborn sleep, room-sharing, gagging and choking, and breathing patterns.
· Crying and comforting: < /b>Why babies cry, infant crying patterns, comfort techniques, coping with crying, Abusive Head Trauma, postpartum emotions (baby blues and PPD).
· Feeding: < /b>Breastfeeding basics, latching on, when to feed, hunger cues, burping, how to tell if baby is getting enough milk.
· Diapering: < /b>How-to, diaper rash, diaper options, diaper bag checklist, stool and urine patterns.
· Bathing, nail care, and dressing: < /b>Sponge bathing, tub bathing, water safety, nail care, dressing.
· Newborn health: < /b>Cord care, circumcision/penis care, signs of illness, well-baby visits, jaundice, vaccines, hand washing and visitors, taking temperature, when to call the healthcare provider.
· Newborn safety: < /b>Car seats, heat stroke and hot car safety, SIDS, safe baby gear, pet safety, siblings, outdoor safety, childcare, infant CPR.
· Additional resources: < /b>When to Call Your Baby’s Healthcare Provider, Car Seat Installation, Baby’s Daily Breastfeeding Log, How to Perform Infant CPR, Infant Choking First Aid, Baby Supplies Checklist.
Categories: Pregnancy & Parenting